Baba Yaga
"Watercolor Dreams" captures the fleeting magic of dreams through the transformation of abstract color blobs into enchanting folklore creatures, faces and bodies. Created immediately upon waking, these initial watercolor forms are meticulously detailed with fine ink lines, revealing captivating faces, bodies, and mythical stories. Each piece blends spontaneous creativity with intricate artistry, inviting viewers into a fantastical realm where dreams and folklore seamlessly merge.
Watercolor and black ink pen
8" x 8"
"Watercolor Dreams" captures the fleeting magic of dreams through the transformation of abstract color blobs into enchanting folklore creatures, faces and bodies. Created immediately upon waking, these initial watercolor forms are meticulously detailed with fine ink lines, revealing captivating faces, bodies, and mythical stories. Each piece blends spontaneous creativity with intricate artistry, inviting viewers into a fantastical realm where dreams and folklore seamlessly merge.
Watercolor and black ink pen
8" x 8"
"Watercolor Dreams" captures the fleeting magic of dreams through the transformation of abstract color blobs into enchanting folklore creatures, faces and bodies. Created immediately upon waking, these initial watercolor forms are meticulously detailed with fine ink lines, revealing captivating faces, bodies, and mythical stories. Each piece blends spontaneous creativity with intricate artistry, inviting viewers into a fantastical realm where dreams and folklore seamlessly merge.
Watercolor and black ink pen
8" x 8"